第258話 「我が家の320si、世界デビュー!?〜その2」
(作成:2008年11月13日 改訂:2008年12月31日)
(TEXT & PHOTO : 中橋 / E90-320si & MINI Cooper Convertible)
第159話 「我が家の320si、世界デビュー!?」で紹介したE90 Postに続く2回目の海外登場です。
About a year ago, while researching the WTCC 320Si, I came across a BMW 320Si by way of Japan.
Yoshina, the owner, was one of the few lucky Japanese BMW fans to import a left-hand drive 2006 E90 320Si.
I was so impressed by this vehicle that I contacted the owner, Yoshina, and asked to interview him about his car which I've included below.
詳しくはBMWBlog / BMW 320Si - a hidden pearlをどうぞ。